Cleanout completed


In a recent post, I committed to do two things-  finally clean out my guest room and also to practice forgiveness for myself in the days leading up to my birthday.  I am happy to report that I did indeed, do both things.

My guest room closet in particular had become a storage unit of sorts and needed some major de-cluttering.  I worked on it daily until completed.  I remembered the advice a feng shui lady gave me once.  She said- set a timer for 20 minutes and commit to doing just that much.  Some days you might stop at 20 minutes, some days you might do more!  That was great advice.

The whole process was very interesting in that as I cleaned all of these things out physically from my home, I was having a bit of an emotional time as well.  I ran into some old journals where I wrote of painful experiences.  As I read through the pages, I started to cry.  I wondered how many of those experiences I had stuffed away and not forgiven them.  I also started to take note of long held patterns in my life.  It was also interesting to see how some patterns have already healed!  The physical clean out was just symbolic of the greater clean-out that was simultaneously happening in my psyche.

As I finished the guest room, the clean-out bled over into my home office where I spend a great amount of time.  My bookshelves were transformed and I brought in new plants to accompany me in this room and soften the energy of this space.

I met my goal of having the clean-out completed by my birthday.  I am so proud that I met my goal.  In the days surrounding my birthday, various situations made me realize that a new me had been born.  A new, more empowered and confident me.  I can hardly wait to witness the changes that come as a result of releasing pounds and pounds of stagnant energy!  This is going to be great!

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