
Tonight I went out to dinner with a good friend of mine.  She had gone to visit a former teacher who was, and continues to be, important to me.  It has been a long time since I have attended any of his classes, but no matter.  What I did learn from him was paradigm shifting and helped me progress along in my personal evolution.  Speaking with her about this, I began to remember the depth of his classes.  As I continued, I began to remember classes from earlier in my life.  Finally, the memories snowballed into a great amount of gratitude.  All of my life, no doubt propelled by my hunger and eagerness to learn, I have always drawn to myself the perfect teachers.

I had the opportunity to reflect tonight on my roots as a child on this planet and the journey I have taken to arrive at my life today.  I am feeling more alive, more empowered, more joyful, more prosperous, more **everything** right now, in this moment, than ever.  However, I did not get here alone.

Every teacher I have ever had has helped form me in some way.  Every person I have encountered, even those who have hurt me– especially those who have hurt me, have been my biggest teachers.  In being hurt and feeling pain, I’ve learned to be a more compassionate being.  Recently I’ve had the experience of enduring a bit of hurt, only to witness myself come out the other end feeling stronger and more empowered.   Those people who have loved me despite my quirks and/or perceived flaws have also been my teachers.  Those who have extended their love have been a mirror to me, teaching me to love and accept myself more wholly.

In the last few years I have grown closer and closer in my connection to Spirit and with my Spirit Guides.  What a joy to know that there is a “Team” with us every day in our lives, guiding us, loving us and being our cheerleaders.  Arranging wonderful synchronicity……….those apparent “coincidences” that happen……..everything falls into place………..with their help.  🙂  I am so grateful for my Team of Guides.  They so truly rock.

I give thanks to all of my teachers, physical and non-physical.  I give thanks for this journey on earth and the joy of this entire experience.

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